Tuesday, January 22, 2013

No More Talking!

last friday was najah medina 3rd birthday
i was so busy working (over the weekends too!), and just couldn't find the time to update here in my blog
bad mama! haha
as if a birthday post is such a big matter to her
well, it is a kind of a big matter for me tho'

ok, enough ramblings on her birthday, because what i wanted to share today is about najah and her school
it's already her 3rd weeks of schooling and Alhamdulillah, i have no problem at all waking her up super early in the morning
well, there are certainly a few bad days here and there, but so far so good
her passion for her school is so over the top, that she also insisted to go to there during saturday and sunday

she will be like, 'Mama, bangunlah. Dah siang ni. Najah kene mandi cepat. Nak pergi school!'
and i will be like, 'Najah, harini school close la. Weekend kan. Teacher pun tak pegi school'
and then she will start-la making face, starts getting cranky  
'NOOOO, Najah nak school jugak harini!!!'
and later on, she will go through her school bag, take out her 'Communication Book' and pointing at whatever pages,
  'Tengok ni. Kan teacher tulis harini kene school' 
yeah, as if she already knows how to read! haha
basically, a 'Communication Book' is a book provided by her school, that we as a parent are obliged to check on it every single day, to see if there are any announcement and information that we should know of

at Genius Qayyum, there are rules where they do not allow parents to be inside the school premises during the school hours, which i'm assuming that it have something to do with the children independence stuff
i totally respect that!
and for that, i am very thankful that the school creates a facebook page, so that we get to know how our kids are doing 
what are they doing during classes? what are they eating during meal breaks? 
because najah, she just wouldn't tell exactly what's going on at her school

but one thing for sure, she definitely learns to say these word from school which i'll probably remember as long as i live
last weekend, i was scolding her and her 2 cousins, Alissa and Arryan about them playing rough with each other
well, is was more like a 'bebel' for me rather than scolding
suddenly she comes to me, put one finger on her mouth, and shouts


sentap mama, najah oiii

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