that's explain why i'm short of breath today.and terasa badan ini busuk gell sweaty!
cerite-nyer.yesterday langsung x boleh bangun.back pain yang sgt horror.
i couldn't even lie on my turns out aku demam.
usually kalau demam, aku selsema sekali tp takde pulak.
and to make it worst, aku xde appetite langsung.even until today.
rase nak vomit je kalau telan makanan tu.
ah-ha spekulasi.aku tidak mengandung ye.hehe.dan2 je my mom accused aku pregnant.
(i'm in the middle of that 7 days of the months so that assumption sgt tidak boleh diambil
so,went to doctor and he's offering mc for 2 days.yesterday and today.
hehe.orang nak kasi kite amek je la kan. (mmg nak pun kan dalam hati!just in case..)
but.because of my sense of RESPONSIBILITY to my job (ewahhh) aku datang jugak-la.
actually our department ade buat class today, and the students plak terlebih ramai dari biase.
so aku gagahkan jugak la dtg harini sbb xnak susahkan kawan2 yang lain.
berpeluh sakan aku turun naik level 2,3, and 4.darn!
esok pun same.hopefully my kawan2 boleh dtg awal esok for preparation, ushering, and etc.
(if aku boleh, semestinya kamu sume pun boleh jua.wink.wink)
kesimpulannya, aku sgt penat!huhu.
btw, i would like to mention that our little miss popeye sudah tumbuh gigi.gee-shh.
no wonder, kadang2 dia tak comfortable. that was pretty fast!
anxiously waiting for you to start crawling plak (^_^)
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