najah is getting much much fast pace.
unlike a few days back.
mama knows that for the other tooth to come out give you hell of a pain.
you are strong so please bear with it a little longer.
i'm relieved.totally.
oh.the hall in our house almost fully painted.
one more night to go then it will be complete.
syg.mlm ni dah boleh settle kan?hehe.
(i know you're super tired and that makes me super love you more!)
and arggghh.your birthday is just around the corner.
and i'm still clueless of what to give you as birthday present.
a frogmen?you have a lot of watches already.
so i'll have to pass this one.
a shoe? a baju raya? a wallet? a g11(hey,we're supposed to share our money for this one)?
i'll figure out.
soon enough.
i never mention this before.but i actually give out my name to join the trip to bandung,indonesia.
it's organize by a few friends and suppose to take place somewhere in november.
sadly.the trip was CANCELLED due to the havock taking place yesterday.
heck.of course by the fanatic obsessive bastard indons.
you all ni takde keje lain ke asyik nak berperang je?
shame on you la, guys! (geleng kepala)
tp aku still sad. nak nangis.just because i'm really really looking forward for this trip.
well.planning to go to year perhaps.
(sempat lagi kumpul duit ni huhu)
any takers?
lastly. i want a flat boots.
yeah. i know i already got my wedges.
but now i want a flat boots.
the kind that is not-so-high-fashion-yet-simple-and-edgy.
arghh women!
always full with never ending desire and god knows when it'll last.
and i'm sooo want to buy an eye liner one of these days.
(harus-la tunggu gaji yo!)
never tried it on me before so let's figure if it suits me.
hmm.majolica-majorca seems nice.
footnote: remember that korean drama that i've been watching recently?
yep.hong gil dong.
haha.khatam last.
it's a sad ending.never expected it on the first place if you watch the drama from the beginning.
though the ending is sad but it was brilliantly portrayed.
two thumbs up!
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