Friday, August 27, 2010

birthday wish to mr noranizam

++birthday wish at 12am

++birthday card?

++birthday gift?

++birthday wish on facebook?

++hugs and kisses?

checked checked

++birthday wish from the blog?
tgh nak buat la ni..dang!

++birthday cake?

tgh fikir perlu ke tak..hahaha

so dear, this one is for you

your birthday marks another year together
such good times, and of course the bad one too
i couldn't ask for more
spending precious minutes, hours, and day
with you my love whom i cherish and adore

we've shared so much in love and friendship
each year our bond just seems to grow and grow
i always want to be right next to you
to be with you means more than you'll ever know

you're always there for me with a loving smile
i'm never happier when i know you near
i thought my love for you could not grow stronger
and yet i love you even more this year

hehe syg of course la i rembat from the internet poem kat atas tuh lalala
but you know where i'm stand


from me and our najah

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

itsy and there.

najah is getting much much fast pace.
unlike a few days back.
mama knows that for the other tooth to come out give you hell of a pain.
you are strong so please bear with it a little longer.
i'm relieved.totally.


oh.the hall in our house almost fully painted.
one more night to go then it will be complete.
syg.mlm ni dah boleh settle kan?hehe.
(i know you're super tired and that makes me super love you more!)

and arggghh.your birthday is just around the corner.
and i'm still clueless of what to give you as birthday present.
a frogmen?you have a lot of watches already.
so i'll have to pass this one.
a shoe? a baju raya? a wallet? a g11(hey,we're supposed to share our money for this one)?
i'll figure out.
soon enough.


i never mention this before.but i actually give out my name to join the trip to bandung,indonesia.
it's organize by a few friends and suppose to take place somewhere in november.
sadly.the trip was CANCELLED due to the havock taking place yesterday.
heck.of course by the fanatic obsessive bastard indons.
you all ni takde keje lain ke asyik nak berperang je?
shame on you la, guys! (geleng kepala)

tp aku still sad. nak nangis.just because i'm really really looking forward for this trip.
well.planning to go to year perhaps.
(sempat lagi kumpul duit ni huhu)
any takers?


lastly. i want a flat boots.
yeah. i know i already got my wedges.
but now i want a flat boots.
the kind that is not-so-high-fashion-yet-simple-and-edgy.
arghh women!
always full with never ending desire and god knows when it'll last.

and i'm sooo want to buy an eye liner one of these days.
(harus-la tunggu gaji yo!)
never tried it on me before so let's figure if it suits me.
hmm.majolica-majorca seems nice.

footnote: remember that korean drama that i've been watching recently?
yep.hong gil dong.
haha.khatam last.
it's a sad ending.never expected it on the first place if you watch the drama from the beginning.
though the ending is sad but it was brilliantly portrayed.
two thumbs up!

Monday, August 23, 2010

a wish-list.not.

it's only a wish for najah to be ok.
an only wish for najah to be fine.
she's been down with an on and off fever.
she coughs so bad and seems endless.
she cries so hard and bring myself to tears.
she couldn't sleep at night and put mummy and daddy speechless.
she throws tantrums and questioning our patience.

nevertheless, this is only a wish.
for you to get better.
for you to be cheer.

get well soon my darling little princess.

Friday, August 20, 2010

colors of ours.quick update.

yahoo.saturday is just around the corner.
bye-bye my super boring giler friday.
who doesn't love weekend?heck.

so tomorrow hubby will start to cat the house.darn.hopefully.
he's been too busy editing one of his friend wedding album.
tp syg dah janji kan.lalala.
the budget is limited so we decided to only paint our hall.
come to think of it,cam lawak kan biler nak raye je baru sibuk nak cat umah la, tukar langsir la and blablabla.
time puase jugak baru sibuk nak settlekan segala.

well, we've come up with these colors for our hall.
please please please turns out well!



anyway, i stumbled upon this while i was browsing.
YUMMY marvelous!! (nak cry) especially if its add on with chocolate drip and sprinkled nuts.


Wednesday, August 18, 2010

a doze off.sgt perlu segera!

ahaks.i really need a quick doze off.pronto.
tidak mengantuk tetapi ade sedikit headache.
terjadi akibat daripada perkara-perkara di bawah :(skema gell ayat!)

1.marathon menonton dvd korea.hong gil dong.starts at 10pm.ends at 2pm.
(un-doubtedly addicted.pasrah.9 more episodes to go weihh)

2.menarik selimut at 2am BUT at 2.30 little munchkin mula bertindak agresif fr inside the cot.
mengaruk nak susu.harus!
susu dah habis sebotol+najah taknak continue tido=mummy and daddy ting-tong. alala.

3.stayed WIDE awake until 4.still that girl tak mau tido.she's a little fever-ish and the non stop cough makes her even more uncomfortable.(ubat doktor ni tak jalan ke?heishhh)

4.alang2 dah berjage tu sahur je la terus.hubby takes turn to watch over najah while aku masak nasi.and singgang.(my second attempt masak singgang.lalala.apparently i'm a bad chef so aku lupe nak letak asam wasn't taste-less at all but the outcome tak begitu berjaye-la kan.sorry hubby.but i've least.) last little girl tido jua.sahur laju-laju.5.15 sambung tdo.yeay.

so last night my sleep was merely 2 hrs!
tetapi aku tidak mengantuk hanya sakit kepala.

ps: najah is 7 months today.woot.woot.

Monday, August 16, 2010

JGS in hong gil dong

JGS is still my korean crush.
and hong gil dong is one of the many drama that he starred.
though he's not the lead actor (he is the second lead actor..dowhh) in this drama, but who cares.

i bought the dvd recently and enjoy watching every second of it.
hubby aku pun terjebak ok.ah-ha.
it's etc.
It is kind of like the one all you need in between.
and the martial arts are superb (exaggerating lalala)
but ape2 pun it's worth watching (and drooling!)

Friday, August 13, 2010

without a it.


today marks the THIRD day.huhu.

aku pun tak sure suare aku ilang pegi mane.
xde batuk.x sakit tekak.
tahu2 je dah lost.lalala.

kenan ngan mama la ni. (haritu dia pun takde suare jugak)
ntah2 dia sumpah aku suh ikut jejak langkah dia.huhu.

but whatever what, ketiadaan suare ini sgt irritating and super inconvenient.
i cannot play with hubby pun suh aku jgn cakap byk sgt.
sakit telinge kate-nye.chett.ingat suke2 ke nak hilang suare. for me, aku pun lebih prefer tak cakap banyak.
u have no idea the energy used just untuk keluarkan suare je.
especially in this time of Ramadhan.

hopefully, my voice will recover pray for me.
thank you.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

a ramadhan wishes...

i am feeling much better

so here i would like to wish all Muslim friends

selamat berpuasa. happy fasting.

may this year's Ramadhan will be better than the previous.
humbly seek forgiveness for any mistakes that i may have done, intentionally or unintentionally.

sick of it...

anger.what the hell?
being misunderstood.confused.
want to go home.
i JUST don't understand.

i know i shouldn't write these words.
a day before Ramadhan.
but this is how i feel right now.
and i think i couldn't take it anymore.
it wasn't my mistake on the first place.
it was never mine.
but why am i still being dragged into this madness?

God, please give me strength.

Monday, August 9, 2010

~out of breath~

exactly.i was SUPPOSED to be sick today (hey,i've got mc!) yet i'm still working full day.
that's explain why i'm short of breath today.and terasa badan ini busuk gell sweaty!

cerite-nyer.yesterday langsung x boleh bangun.back pain yang sgt horror.
i couldn't even lie on my turns out aku demam.
usually kalau demam, aku selsema sekali tp takde pulak.
and to make it worst, aku xde appetite langsung.even until today.
rase nak vomit je kalau telan makanan tu.
ah-ha spekulasi.aku tidak mengandung ye.hehe.dan2 je my mom accused aku pregnant.
(i'm in the middle of that 7 days of the months so that assumption sgt tidak boleh diambil
so,went to doctor and he's offering mc for 2 days.yesterday and today.
hehe.orang nak kasi kite amek je la kan. (mmg nak pun kan dalam hati!just in case..)

but.because of my sense of RESPONSIBILITY to my job (ewahhh) aku datang jugak-la.
actually our department ade buat class today, and the students plak terlebih ramai dari biase.
so aku gagahkan jugak la dtg harini sbb xnak susahkan kawan2 yang lain.
berpeluh sakan aku turun naik level 2,3, and 4.darn!
esok pun same.hopefully my kawan2 boleh dtg awal esok for preparation, ushering, and etc.
(if aku boleh, semestinya kamu sume pun boleh jua.wink.wink)

kesimpulannya, aku sgt penat!huhu.

btw, i would like to mention that our little miss popeye sudah tumbuh gigi.gee-shh.
no wonder, kadang2 dia tak comfortable. that was pretty fast!
anxiously waiting for you to start crawling plak (^_^)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

love spoken here with little miss popeye

~short hiccups~
(blame it on the network yang sumpah mmg slow giler skang. ya ampun!)

ah-ha.serious aku nak mencarut pasal network kat ofis ni tp rase cam tak elok plak.T_T
(kan ke ni la tempat kite cari makan.huhu)
tp.sbb network yang hampeh ni jugak-la kerje aku byk tergendala.
having said that, aktiviti on-line shopping aku pun sudah terjejas ok!
enough about the network craps.hopefully the problem can be fix asap.

so last weekend, as per mention in my previous entry, i was in kl.
the schedule was a bit tight and mmg masing2 nampak bantal je terus landing x ingat that saturday night.(tp najah nak kene ber'gurindam' dulu baru leh tido.huhu.)

the highlights:

1. Sat morning drove to UPM for the wedding. (it's actually a relatives wedding tp aku tak kenal pun
2. Sat afternoon (yg sgt terik panas) we arrived at the place. It was supposed to be an ala-ala-inside-the-garden-wedding bayangkan tak keadaan dengan matahari yang btol2 tegak atas kepale.AGAIN.SGT PANAS.being such a good girl, najah tak buat perangai pun.she even manage to sleep all-the-way.
3. Short gathering with all the cousins,uncles and aunties (dowhh sesi kutuk mengutuk kaw2 time youngest brother yang paling teruk kena.tu-laa nak jd artis sgt.haha.)
4. After that, off to pwtc for MIDE hubby spent some money on the kaki itik aka fins, and mask/goggles. (suke-la tu kan?kan?dasar kaki dive.)
5. owh did i mention earlier we are going to check in at bukit tinggi that night? yep.less than 8 weeks we are in bukit tinggi again.huh.we checked in late that night.almost 12am.mode:penat tak ingat sbb after pwtc kitorang lepak-ing kat mid valley then baru naik bukit tinggi.
6. Sun morning.we had our breakfast and since kitorang baru je dtg situ last june, kitorang dah kontang idea nak buat,i suggest my husband and my brother to main with the water color.actually it's a painting gallery and we get to paint stuffs.(time2 nih bakat2 sini yang dah lame terperap terpakse dikeluarkan.hello!when was the last time aku pegang brush?mase kat sekolah dulu took us about 2 hrs to siyapkan this THING!can you see the purple color for the background? we actually had to campur2 the red+blue to come up with that color.saat2 bangge menjadi artist telah


7. Sun afternoon.checked-out.(bye-bye abah).we went back to KL to drop-off my uncle and my brother but before that sempat lagi singgah dekat sunway pyramid.i got myself a something. OMG.sgt tempt-ing.but have to wait till hari raya baru boleh pakai.taraaaaa!


8. We gerak balik to jb at 6pm and reached home around 11pm.i already apply cuti for monday.yeay!!

and last but not least, this is our little miss popeye.totally mom manage to capture this when she's making this funny face.thanks mom!
