ppl should realize that if they want to love someone, they really have to love themselves first.
get it??
here goes my list:
+ love the way that i love babies (munchkin..you should be thankful that i'm your mama!)
+ love the way that i can love my other half whole-heartedly (this one is for you, dear!)
+ love my family damn much (despite having 2 fathers, and 2 mothers, a sibling whom i rare-ly jumpe, a rockstar brother, a trouble-some brother, and of course the in-laws plus my little niece and nephew)
+ love me love to shop..who doesn't rite? (online shopping..window shopping..and more shopping and wedges??)
+ love the purple hues..totally a scorpion!
+ head over heels over bright stripe(s)..especially the rainbow??
+ love to crack a joke (even it is not funny..pls bear with me)
+ love to laugh at a joke ( i can laugh so hard that my eyes filled with tears)
+ love to travel (not even once i fly with a plane..this one will have to wait i guess T_T)
+ love me wearing hijabs (altho the first time i wore it sbb kene hint gile pedas with my alim uncle..but i'm glad i did)
+ love the freckles on my face (but my mom dah insist suh pegi buat facial sbb takut dah tua nnt lagi worst..hellooo!! by for me la that SKII-pitera-wutsoever itu plssss)
+ love my body (true!..i have a body of a post-pregnancy women which is sgt-la dah tak beautiful lagi..BUT..come-on la..successfully deliver a human into the world is something that every woman should be proud of!)
+ and the list masih panjang..but i'll keep that in mind first..
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