hehe.actually there will be malaysian world band competition tomorrow at nusajaya.
i am sooooo wanna be there while reminiscing the good old time.wink wink.
hush.badan ni kerat dua boleh x?
tp have to go to KL for a family wedding.darn-laa.
once upon a time, i was actually a band member and i play the piccolo and flute (o_0)
(at the very beginning, i auditioned for the snare drum, tp sebab tak berape nk tinggi time tu kene main piccolo hahaha.ade hati tu!!)
ape benda alah piccolo tu? it's actually a small version of flute.cute giler.
tp tang nak tiup tuh, mak aii rase nk pecah jugak-la kepala ni.
susah gell ok!
every year ade band comp. state and national sume dah merase pegi.
time tu members yang ala2 kulit cam snow white tu confirm dah legam cam b****t kuali.
termasuk la aku.huhu.dah abes segale baru start nyental balik kulit.
stock face scrub, toner dan sewaktu dgn nyer mesti ade dlm locker.
tima kasih-la mama sbb prepare-kan sumer tu.
nak harapkan aku? ade aku kesah!lol.
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