was actually my very first mc for this year.
(maternity leave tidak termasuk dlm MC ye puan-puan.hehe.)
x demam.just selsema yang sgt giler teruk since sunday ptg.
plus the non-stop sneezing.(atchoooooo!! GOD bless you!!)
ahah.bergalak sgt kemas umah sape suh.
hello! habuk kat umah tu dah mcm 10m tebal tak kan ko nk buat tak nmpak je.
actually we were re-arranging the furnitures (tukar layout baru - raye mode), maka all the habuk2 sudah keluar dari tpt persembunyian mereka.
so..rase-kan padah nyer!!
but..aku tetap gagahkan diri ke office (pstt sampai 9.30am je dpt bertahan)
then i guess my body can't take it anymore.
called my hubby and off we go to the clinic.
doctor tu yg offer mc kat aku.(serious aku lupe nk mintak mc ngan dia lalala~)
gaye borak lame giler ngan doctor tu sampai lupe.dowhhh.
the best part of course aku berjaye dpt mc (sumpah sampai umah je aku terus tdo sampai kul 3 ptg!).
the not so best part, puase aku tergadai sudah semalam (baru beriye-iye excited nk start ganti puase.huhu. siyap bgn kul 4 pg masak megi!)
tp.nasib baik kene ganti 2 hari je.fuhhhhh.sempat lagi nih.
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