(ape nak buat, time2 ujung bulan mcm ni keje aku mmg byk dah settle.lalala!)
so.last week i bought a book for najah from here.
her very own first book.
the title is Peekaboo,baby!.a product by Fisher Price.
BUT. i'm not a mother who pushes her daughter for a super early education ok.
for God sake, she's only six months!
i'm not saying early education is BAD, but, heck, let her plays and learns in her own unique way. first.
it was all started when she loves to join me while i was reading magazines.
maybe the bright colors of the pages catches her attention.
love to see those glowing wide eyes and cheerful giggles.
therefore, i bought this book for her.
amazingly. she loves it!(hehe.of course, aku pun suke.cheh nak join jugak tu.lol)
especially when we are lifting the flaps.konon2 terkejut la citer nye.haha.
but babies were always be babies.
agak2 dah boring, jadi bahan kunyah dia.
ingat ayam kfc ke ape?
najah..najah..(sambil geleng kepale)
more pics in my FB.