Friday, June 22, 2012

mommies blogroll

Thank you if you've noticed.
Recently i've added a new bloglist, the all mommies blogroll. I find that when mommies are talking through experiences about parenting skills, breastfeeding journey, recipes for babies, and whatevs, i can easily relate their stories with mine instead of reading the endless tips from the magazines, books, and internet.

Some mommies are super dead serious about the upbringing of their babies.
Their babies must do this. Their babies cannot do that.
And some babies are very fortunate to have a rich parent.
Expensive clothes, expensive toys, and et cetera et cetera.
Majlis Aqiqah and cukur jambul je over thousands are spent!!
 Jealous much???
And some mommies are very down-to-earth too.

But all in all, i find some satisfaction and inspiration by reading these blogs.
Sharing is caring.

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