Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pinterest 1: Johnny Depp

                                                                   Source: via Perri on Pinterest

Monday, June 25, 2012

baby fashionista

Attending a course for 2 days.
Sebabnye dah attend the same course 2 years back.
Ceritanya masih sama. Fasilitator pun orang yang sama. Even the handbook given pun still sama!!!
Tapi bersyukur sahaje sebab nak kumpul 40hours kehadiran kursus per year bukan senang.
Lagi la haritu 3 months maternity leave, memang burn begitu sahaja.

Anyway, nothing much to say pun.
Just would like to share this picture of my daughter with everybody.
Her outfit that day is personally picked by herself.
From the hat, top, bottom, socks and even the shoes
hrmm anak sape la tu..

ps: my lil prince kena sakit mata. sedih :( 

Friday, June 22, 2012

mommies blogroll

Thank you if you've noticed.
Recently i've added a new bloglist, the all mommies blogroll. I find that when mommies are talking through experiences about parenting skills, breastfeeding journey, recipes for babies, and whatevs, i can easily relate their stories with mine instead of reading the endless tips from the magazines, books, and internet.

Some mommies are super dead serious about the upbringing of their babies.
Their babies must do this. Their babies cannot do that.
And some babies are very fortunate to have a rich parent.
Expensive clothes, expensive toys, and et cetera et cetera.
Majlis Aqiqah and cukur jambul je over thousands are spent!!
 Jealous much???
And some mommies are very down-to-earth too.

But all in all, i find some satisfaction and inspiration by reading these blogs.
Sharing is caring.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

hot daddy!

Mr Husband is picking me up late from work today
to kill the time, sambil siapkan keje ni, i blogwalking and found this from here

giler HOT kau!
nak?tak nak?

1.Cam Gigandet
Cam Gigandet 

That’s what I’m talking about… stepping out in a leather jacket, shades — and daughter Everleigh Ray popped in a pouch!

I think I might be drooling.  This here is some seriously hawt daddy babywearing action!


Cam Gigandet enjoys some quality family time with his daughter Everleigh and girlfriend Dominique.

Happy Father's Day Mr Husband!!!
lots of hugs and kisses

a penny for me

being a mom (who's working 8 to 5, and with no lavish salary!), trendy clothes and budget don't always meet on the same page.
ALWAYS, half of the salary will go to the bills and the babysitters.
and MOST OF THE TIME, the remaining balance will go to the kids. (read:CLOTHES)
no mama will ever refuse for a cute baby and toddler clothes.
dress.skirts.more dresses.more whatevs.
trust me. find a husband. get married. make babies. and you'll know what i mean.

so, where does mama gets her own pretty clothes? daddy's bank of course.

here it is. yesterday, thepoplook is coming out with a new penny dress collections.
excited much because this time around they come in sizes.
so, i wrote out a message to mr. husband's facebook.
short.simple.and saucy message haha. NOT!
instead i asked for his maybank2u account login and password.
praying hard that he would reply. and yes he replied within 30 min.
of course without wasting anymore time, add cart and made the payment.

yes, one of these dress will be mine by tomorrow.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

euro malam-malam hari

kemain bebudak opis cerita pasal euro 2012
ape euro2 ni?
mati lah tak layan ~

sebab malam-malam aku euro berdua ngan nadeem

ps: sejak-sejak dah masuk 4 bulan ni, 2 jam sekali bangun hisap susu
mmg la dah macam zombie pi keje hari-hari

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

hanya dirimu

Hingga hujung nyawa diriku
Biar aku mencintaimu
Hingga akhir hayat hidupku
Biar aku menjadi milik mu'

- Anas, mentor 6

a very simple song, yet so meaningful
to me least

wordless wednesday #1

memang lah rase nak gunting-gunting rambut depan tuh!

Monday, June 11, 2012

yang mana satu?

perasaan membuak-buak nak update kat sini.
sebab banyak story nak citer.

+ family day at melaka bandaraya bersejarah
+ my trip to LPPKN (oh oh family planning!)
+ makan tido free selama 3 hari 2 malam kat felda residence, tanjung leman
+ 5 hari annual leave yang BURN begitu saje. SEDIH!!
+ gossip yang tak pernah-pernah habis kat ofis nih, haishh
+ pencarian kindergarten untuk najah bermula
+ shopping kat zalora
+ bla bla bla

runsing nak mula yang mana

ps: yeay dah jumpe tutu skirt for najah kat sini. semalam meraung-raung kat FOS nak tutu skirt. RM 60++ for a skirt yang byk layer gitu??? ah mahal.