yet, so little time to tell here
life and work, are juggling in between
but i'd rather admit to myself ~ aku malas sebenarnye nak update
boo hoo
so last week, the 6 of us went to jakarta - me with hubby and najah, mommy, ekal and aunt liza
instead of taking direct flight to jakarta, we took a ferry to batam and flew from there to jakarta
much cheaper that way!
and it is also my very first time riding on a plane errr...
yes, at my age of 28 -_-'
lucky you najah! hehe
anyway, we went there not for holiday or anything like that
my mom is going to open up her boutique real soon, and we went there for the sake of buying, collecting materials and stuffs for the store
well initially, my mom only offers me to accompany her in jakarta, but being a mother(me) who just couldn't bear leaving her baby behind, tagged along everybody in the family
and yes, i don't wish to tell every details of my trip there
(malas kan nak fikir ayat bagai hehe)
so, i'm wrapping it all up in a few words
excited yet scared at the same time, joyful, SUPER tired, awesomeness!
and lastly, sgt susah nak cari proper meal kat sana!
ps: will upload the pics later!
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