Friday, June 25, 2010

when your better half is a photographer (videographer)~

jajashaliza:syg, amek 2 jam boleh. cam boring lak arini (tau dah syg mesti cakap xnk huhu)

haha.i texted him this predicted, the answer will be tak boleh.sad.
but, it's his job.nak buat macamane kan.
i'm thinking that if we could spend time together this evening, so our weekend would be less boring.huhu father-less.husband-less.
Then, here comes another weekend which najah and me only stays at home.
what,2 weeks in a row!it is so not us.
dowh.sgt be expected.hahaha.
tok mama seems will be check in tonight at hospital taking care of baby arryan.
nampak gaye,mmg tak boleh nak kemane-mane la.ngeh.mode suram+hati gundah gelane.
thank GOD ada beli dvd korean drama.A.N.'re beautiful.
cute heroes always catch my attention.(eventho dah jd mama, perangai lama tetap tak berubah.apala!)

dear.this is what you get when your other half is a photographer (videographer).
kene shoot wedding-la.kene shoot event-la.
well, this year i missed LOT of my friend's wedding.highlight.A LOT.
macam satu pun yang tak leh nak attend.sedih lagi.
again.ape nak buat.hahaha.

to my syg, thank you sbb still bertahan with my crappi-ness.moody-ness (if there is such a word!)
i will wait, maybe forever be moody sbb tak dapat pegi jalan?~
hope you's in the blood.(alasan~!!).will always sayang u.cinta u.