Thursday, August 30, 2012

Faith OST: Carry On

always had a thing with sageuk or historical drama
it doesn't matter if the production are from the mainland china or korea
my love just the same
swords fighting while flying, many-many layers of beautiful fabrics over a costume, and shhhh the cute hero of course 

right now, i am in the middle of watching these 2 new dramas, Faith and Arang and the Magistrate
yet again, never failed to impress me

anyway, good stories always come with a good sountrack
and this one, i can't get it out of my head over the past couple of weeks

derr..siyap feeling nyanyikan untuk nadeem kut nak kasi dia tido

this is Carry On by Ali for Faith!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

lebaran 2012

dah selamat puase sebulan
dah selamat juga seminggu lebih raya
dan dah selamat pun naik keje

tapi of course la masih dalam mood raye
mood keje jugak yang tak sampai-sampai

1st Syawal at my mum's house

beraya while babysitting my niece and nephew

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pinterest 5: Motherhood

                                                                  Source: via Roxi on Pinterest

one night stay at hsa

citer minggu lepas
harap belum basi, heh!

this is taken place approximately a week ago, which is rabu lepas
nadeem dah beberapa hari demam, on and off, for like 3 days
of course, kitorang dah bawak nadeem jumpe doctor, 2 doctors actually within that 3 days but still tak baik-baik
tambah lagi dia kene batuk+selsema, mmg satu pakej complete la

that very night, kitorang dah tak tahan sbb he keeps on merengek-rengek
his voice mmg dah totally out because of the fever
so dalam kul 10 mlm tuh, kitorang terus shoot pergi hsa
upon arrival at the registration counter, the nurse terus amek temperature
38.6!!! hadu makk
straight away diorang suh mandikan nadeem kat situ to reduce his temperature

then, the meet up with the doctor
time tu tgk jam dah pukul 12.30am
he left us with 2 choices, either to admitted nadeem to the hospital, or bring him back home but with no sign of recovery
so, admitted it is!!!
buat keputusan pun cam celaru jugak, sebab banyak nak kene fikir
dengan najah nyer, kang sahur ngan berbuka macamane plak..hrmmm

we were only warded around 1.00 something sbb nak kene amek darah and x ray first
and don't let me start on the needle stuffs on nadeem, scary ok!!
his veins are so small that they have to poke his skin quite a few times on both hands to get his blood sample
and at one point, they even asked me to wait outside the room in order for them to carry out their job

but we are strong, nadeem and i
he only cries a small cry, and as a mom i believe that this situation happens for his own beneficial and yes, i need to really trust the doctors to take care of my baby

nevertheless, the doctors are kind enough to let us discharge the next day
itupun dah petang baru bgtau
sgt-sgt bersyukur sbb tak yah nak berbuke kat wad

Alhamdulillah, after a week nadeem is getting much better, but he still coughs sometimes
he giggles and smiles bile orang panggil nama dia
kalo tak, memang la dia buat tak dengar je

his appetite pun slowly getting better, but still refuse to accept solid food
mase dekat ward, siap kene pam susu sebab dia langsung reject
mesti trauma sebab makan ubat ni huhu

siyap sedia for raya shopping spree~

 mama prays for your health and well beings everyday, sayang

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Pinterest 4: Be Nice

                                                                          Source: via Kathy on Pinterest