errr not really
just because... (long pause~)
heck, definitely there will be ups and downs
but it's still a nice and comfortable ride
with a new member in the family (duh,najah!), life is getting more warmth and merrier than the usual of being just the two of us
but of course, we need to keep up with the energy level extremely high as about now!
so, this year we did not plan for anything special
just an anniversary dinner with the closest family member
but, i did order a box of cupcakes from
here(sbb jealous tgk org lain ade cupcake for their occasion, so gedik nak jugak order kan!)the cupcakes were beautiful and delicious, yeah seriously sedap!
+ our cupcakes +
after the family dinner, we just went to take a night stroll at danga bay
but is was such a short visit though
najah was getting very sleepy and all, so we decided to just headed back home
+ the three of us +
so to the two most important person of my life (as of right now),
and mr momok, where ever this journey might take us, i'm praying hard that we will reach until the very end of the road together strongly